Thursday, December 10, 2009

Can you get a stomach ache from stress?

My stomach has been hurting for the past two days. I'm not sick...I can eat fine and drink fluids but my stomach has been hurting. It's in the lower abdominal area. It almost feels like there is some pressure there or something. It hasn't felt like this before (from what I can remember) what do you think it could be. I was thinking it was ethier caused from stress (cause I have been stressed latley) or maybe it's UTI any idea to what could be? It doesn't hurt too bad but I'm still worried and want it to go away.

Can you get a stomach ache from stress?classical music

without a doubt. stress can cause way more than a stomach ache... headache, anxiety, spastic colon, heart attacks.

of course it could be something else as well causing the stomach pain. if it doesn't go away you could always go see your doctor.

Can you get a stomach ache from stress?ms stress opera theater

it depends.....when you ususaly get stress out what happends? for me it depends each time but one thing stays constant....i have a major melt down and my emoutions run wild! look back and see what is comin in your strees life.
Well first off unless you are having trouble urinating, it is most likely not a UTI. But to answer your first question, Yes you can get a stomach ache from stress. but it lasting 2 days does not fit that diagnosis.....Basically, if you are concerned about it, I would go to the doctor. Abdominal complants have got to be the hardest and most commonly misdiagnosed medical problems there are. In fact if surgens don't remove a healthy appendix every now and then, then they are not removing enough. This is because like I said....Abdominal complants can be VERY hard to diagnose. So yeah...go see your doctor. Feel better!!
You can most definitely get a stress-induced stomach ache! I took the day off from work today for that very reason. I normally handle the pressures and stress of work (and the idiots) fairly well but this week I let some stupidity get to me and wound up with a stomach ache. Stress can affect a lot of body parts. Not having to deal with work today, my stomach feels better. And, (and I know this is childish), I got some satisfaction knowing that my supervisor (who didn't listen to me earlier in the week) will have to pay someone overtime to cover for me being off.

Stress can cause stomach aches but so can other things; if you're worried see your doctor.
You can get a stomach ache from stress, but it is more likeley to hurt above the navel area. The exception to that is when your guts overreact to stress, in which case, you would probably have cramps and some diarrhea. Pain in the lower abdominal area is probably something else. Is it on one side or the other? (appendix?) Does movement affect it? (muscle?) Does it hurt when you urinate? (UTI, as you suggested?)

You didn't say if you were male or female. If you are female, you could have an ovarian cyst, which usually doesn't hurt much, but gives a feeling of fullness. If you could be pregnant, don't ignore lower abdominal pain, because it could be ectopic. If you get a fever, go to an emergency room. If it doesn't go away by tomorrow, see a doctor.
Stomach aches can be induced by stress.

First of all, ask yourself what sort of pain it is - sharp/nagging/severe etc. If it is extremely unbearable see a doctor or go to the er.

Have you been under a lot of stress lately??

Stomach pains that don't go away within four days need to be seen by a doctor. Is there any chance that you could be pregnant or it be a pulled muscle?

So basically if it is not gone by the four day mark or it gets worse - see a doctor :)

Hope all works out/ its probs just stress and nothing to worry about.
Stress can also cause stomach ulcers, and in bad cases they start to bleed...see a doc if symptoms presist
It could just be hurting from stress, and although not likely the case, stress can also cause ulcers (which would cause you to have stomach pain).

But, also, I was having a bad stomach ache a couple years ago and it was where you described your pain, but it wasn't a UTI, it was a bladder infection. It hurt almost constantly for a few days, but not extremely bad. After almost a week, however, it was unbearable and I had to go to the hospital :( .

Have you taken anything for it? If you can get something over the counter, see if that helps. If not, see a doctor! Good luck.

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