Saturday, December 5, 2009

Late period, stress in life - pregnancy?!?

Ok: I'm 24, Not on the pill, period about 2 weeks late,

(gaps between my last 3 periods have been 8 weeks, then 4 weeks - it is now 6 weeks!!). Sexually active - condoms or the pull.

I am freaking out that I might be pregnant. There is lots of stress in my life at the moment- work, money, etc.

Late period, stress in life - pregnancy?!?musicals

It sounds like you have an irregular menstrual cycle. the best thing you can do it buy a pregnancy test, or you can go to a free clinic and have the test done if you don't have any money.

I also have an irregular menstrual cycle, i am 24, most of the time it is stress interfering with my body's flow. Good Luck!

Late period, stress in life - pregnancy?!?opera songs opera theater

Go get a pregnancy test. Two weeks late is more than long enough to give you a proper resut with a test.

Pay the 锟? and find out, rather than worrying!
it could be stress, take a test to rule out or confirm pregnancy, if your not go on the pill to stop thinking your pregnant and it may help regulate your periods
Yes, stress can affect ur period. See ur gyno to make sure everything is tip top. Then take a preg test to make sure. Preg symptoms in the beginning can feel like a period. Good luck!
Defo get a test. It will put your mind at rest and rule it out. Your worrying might be the cause of the missed period
With the information given, it could as easily be a delay of your cycle due to stress as it could be pregnancy. I'd pick up a cheap test to ease my mind, and if the results are negative, maybe that will help you to destress a little.

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