i've been really stressed lately about alot of diffferent things, and i just ugh,don't know what to do, i am at the point where i sleep all day, making myself feel sick. i'm worrying alot, and i just don't know what to do..
i just want to sleep all day and never wake up sometimes, i do have depression but it is treated, i was just hoping someone knew of something that could help my stress go down
School is alot of work, i've come to realize.
what are some good tips you recomend for de-stressing myself?
What are good ways to de-stress yourself?city opera
First of all, when you see your doctor for your next visit, let him/her know that you are still having a problem with depression. Some meds don't work for some people. There are some anti-depressants that make me even more depressed.
You're having anxiety trouble likely because you don't feel like doing anything -- but what you have to do is staring you in the face, so you feel depressed about it, but are too depressed to motivate yourself, so you are beating yourself up over the fact that you don't feel like doing anything, and that is making you more depressed...It's a vicious cycle.
One thing that helps me is actually forcing myself -- even though I don't feel like it -- to do one little thing. Sometimes my endorphins kick in and make me feel better and then I go on to do more.
Now, there are a ton of relaxation techniques you can try. I would suggest using my favorite. Get a notebook, write down everything you are worried about and think about nothing else for 15 minutes. Then close the notebook. You've worried enough about it, so move on.
You may also benefit from breathing exercises, which are described on the site below with other de-stressing ideas. You need to make sure you are getting sunlight every day. I usually recommend an hour. Make sure you don't get sunburned. It helps reset your inner clock and that can help you remain more alert during the day and able to sleep better at night.
I hope you feel better soon.
What are good ways to de-stress yourself?performing shows opera theaterYou're welcome! Report It
Dance. Walk. Exercise.
Physical activity is very positive for the body, mind and spirit. It releases endorphins (whatever those are), which are very good for you. I'd actually recommed starting with taking walks EVERY DAY! No acceptions, well maybe heavy rain. It will get you fresh air, physical activity, and exercise all in one. The best time to do something is when you don't want to. So go!! Go for a walk and stay walking for 20 minutes. Then you are allowed to go back home.
20 minutes of any exercise a day is all that is necessary to be fit and healthy.
Laughing really helps counteract stress. Watch a funny movie.
argh, i'm dealing with a hectic school schedule too. Sometimes, when everything gets crazy, you just have to train yourself to let things go. If something goes bad, don't dwell on it. Make a mental note, and if it is grade related, just think of ways to study better, but don't spend time beating yourself over a thing that went wrong.
It is also neccessary to take a breath now and then. Just stop, sit down, close your eyes and breathe.
Exercise is a great way to really vent stress, and to give you energy too! It sounds backwards, but the more you exercise, the more awake you will be, and you will be able to take on each day a little better. It puts you in a good mood.
I don't know if you are religious, but I am so I have to put this out as an option. When things really go crazy, just take part of your "sit back and breathe" time to ask God to calm you down, or to help you deal with a certain situation. I have to just give my issues to somebody else sometimes, and if I didn't have God around to take over, I don't know what I would do sometimes.
That is all the help I can think of. Just relax. Your world is awesome.
this works 4 me when ever I get really mad and pissed of and stressed out I go out side and scream at the tops of my lungs as loud as I can
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