Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'm stressed!!?

Can anyone give me any good ideas for stress relief and getting more in touch with my inner self. I have a really stressful job and it's starting to catch up with me.

I'm stressed!!?secure browser

Check out ( ) there is a lot of great articles and expert advice on the subject there.

I'm stressed!!?home theater opera theater

try to meditate. relax, go for a walk, read, write down your thoughts...............and always pray.
get yourself a punching bag and some comfortable gloves and go to town on it. remember to lock your wrists.
Yoga or Pilates.
Tai Chi, mediation, hot cocoa, warm bags of peppermint tea on your eyelids, not necessarily in that order or all at once, of course!! Good luck.
What ever you love to do; do it !!!!!!!!!!!! and that helps w/ stress
Get a massage once a week.
Save your vacation time, and then use it to do all the things you enjoy. Turn your television off, especially the news; it will only stress you more. But find time for yourself, quiet time, prayer time, time with friends and family, whatever makes you feel better. For me personally, nothing beats a good pedicure and a smoothie!
drink green tea,take one hour a day just for yourself, if you are depressed also get a little counciling it can't hurt and you might be surprized how much it will help. the green tea will help get rid of impurities in the blood which attach to cells that your normal stress reducing hormones attach to. reducing the impurity levels gives your own body a chance to try and help heal itself
My boss tells me that we get stressed when we are unable to accept certain things or facts. I think it's true.

Everytime I get stressed, I now ask myself why am I not accepting this fact. By answering myself, I find ways to overcome it. Acting is always the best way to deal with stress. Leaving things that worries us makes things worst. A situation usually does not goes away by itself unless acted upon.

Another way I deal with stress is to read self help books. I would recommend the following three books:

1. The Magic of Thinking Big

2. Don't Sweat the small stuff

3. Success Principles

Lastly, i try to master the art of ignoring things or events that makes me stressed!

Check out a site I created when I was stressed! Haha! which eventually led to

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