Thursday, December 10, 2009

Could stress be the reason why I can't seem to do improve my skin?

Okay, so I've had really bad skin for ages. Since like, fourth grade, it's gotten worse and worse. I'm in 8th grade now, and in the past year and a half, I have washed my skin every night and every morning. I have used facial masks, and almost five different skin care products. If I reduce stress from my life, will that really improve my skin, or should I just try a new product?

Could stress be the reason why I can't seem to do improve my skin?concert venue

It would improve your skin to a degree, but I wouldn't go so far as to say it is the only factor in why your skin has blemishes.

Considering that you're in 8th grade, your body is still going through hormonal adjustments. Hormones are very powerful, and can even affect your moods, sleep needs, and skin. Hormones probably are part of the reason your skin is blemished right now.

You're definitely doing the right thing by washing your face in the morning and evening. This takes the sebum (oiliness) away from the surface of your skin, which means that dirt and bacteria are less likely to stick to it, and less likely to get into your pores and clog them.

Using facial masks is great once in a while, but some masks (like clay masks) when used too often can dry your skin out, and irritate it. Oddly enough, when your skin gets too dry (even though we think dry is the opposite of oily, and should be better than oily), it can be more suceptible to acne, rough spots and blemishes.

Try to keep all your facial products in the same brand family (all avon, aveeno, neutrogena, proactiv, etc.) because all these brands and prescriptions are chemically balanced to work with one another, and even though it's rare, combining products that are not designed to work with one another can lead to more irritation.

Pick a set of washes, etc. that you like, and stick with them for a few months at least before switching brands. That will help cut down on blemishes and irritation too.

Good luck!

Could stress be the reason why I can't seem to do improve my skin?events opera theater

it could be could be soda or chocolate too..
not realy its just a genetical thing you will grow out of it some day
Some people will say that acne, or skin problems like that, can be stress induced.

Stress can affect the hormones involving missed periods, acne, etc.

Your best bet, see a dermatologist... and get a prescription. I work in a pharmacy and I can tell you know that most of the stuff over the counter doesn't work! :)

What you eat can affect it too, such as greasy foods.

When you exercise, you sweat out what you eat, believe it or not. That helps to clean the pores as well.

Its not entirely genetics, but a lot of it has to do with it. But if nobody else has it in your family, it can be stress induced.

OOH, and picking at the acne only spreads bacteria. You skin needs oils, just not a lot of it. If you are "scrubbing" your skin, you are ridding it of that oil that it needs, and possibly spreading that bacteria which creates a worse situation. Like I said before, see a dermatologist because probably nobody on Yahoo Answers! is a Doctor.
it could be, i know when i am stressed or frustrated my body heats up and my skin feels irritated.

make sure you get plenty of sleep to avoid stress and remain calm about things. i hardly get stressed about things because i have slightly detached myself from emotions. I am much happier now and stress free. Be optimistic and it'll help you remain stress free, which could be the solution to your problem.

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