Saturday, December 5, 2009

Witch question...stress reliever?

What is the best way for stress relief? Any ideas? Let me know. I have so much on my mind it's hard to shut the damn thing off. haha.

(p.s. I'm asking a lot of questions because I won't have a chance to get to the library anytime soon)

Witch question...stress reliever?regal theater

?If your looking for a spiritual answer, meditation. Take 3 deep breaths and listen to yourself breathe. Listen to your heart beat. Try some Chakra meditations and Chakra healings. Visualization is always great too.

Witch question...stress reliever?performing art center opera theater

Ice Cream

All is right with the world while you are eating Ice Cream.
A massage.
Brew chamomile tea as strongly as you can. Personally, I use about four tea bags. It has the same effect on me as Valium but without the stupid feeling Valium gives me. Good luck

You can break things. You know stuff you don't want anyway. I like cutting paper up into tiny pieces, that helps me. You can pull weeds. Pet a cat or dog.
What I am going to tell you, you won't do anyway. But here goes.

First, You go buy a CD call (IN HARMONY WITH THE SEA)

its by Beethoven. Walmart has it but it is away from all the other music and songs. Use only one of the two compositions. Turn off all Radios and Televisions and anything with electric motors in it. Say nothing to everybody.

Second, You go to your bed room or a quite room and put a sign on the door (DO NOT DISTRUB). Turn on a low light seven watts,or there abouts, in the far corner. Close off the light from outside the windows.

Third. Get into clothing that is very loose or none at all.

Put the CD on/in the CD player.

Forth you set down on the floor in front a blank wall about six feet away. Set up straight. Claps your hand togather and place on legs that are crossed in front of you. Do not set on wood or tile, its cold. Close your eyes and let the music take you away. Focus on the most beautiful place you can create in your mind. This is your new home. It will take time to furnish it the way you want. Not with the real world things. Everything is in your mind, beautiful, without body, everything is moving with the sounds you hear. This will take a little time, but when you get there you will wonder why you hadn't found this before.

Here my experience, Three years ago. I was taking 18 pills a day for pain, I was taking 3 shots a day for pain, I had drug patches for pain and I had 16 electric patches on my back for pain. One third of my lung had been cut out. I was taking 5 liters of O2. The doctors said I had six months to live. I took control of my life. I stop the pills, shots, all the patch came off and the O2 was removed from my nose. I did the above and I am the happiest person today. By the way the lung has grown back. The pain is tolable. Instead of eating big meals I drink one 6oz V8 and 6 6oz orange juice for my first meal of the day. Then I eat one light meal in the mid afternoon. That all. I used to eat three big meals a day. I have no desire for a lot of food. By the way your whole world will change. People will treat you different. They will see a wonderful person. They will want to talk to you, be around you. They will want to know your secret. Don't tell it your secret.
Well, I read through the answers here and to be honest there are quite a few GREAT ones... but let me share my two cents worth too okay.

If you have so much on your mind... it is hard to shut it off... but you can start by slowing it down. I would probably suggest you start with some breathing techniques to slow your mind activity down and to focus on one thing instead of fifty million things. Here is a breathing technique from one of my books鈥?/p>

Breathing Technique One:

Make sure you are sitting tall, meaning that you are not folded in on yourself; you want your lungs to be able to expand and fill, and empty easily and completely. Sitting tall does not mean that you are sitting stiff! Just make sure that the passage from your head down to your neck on down to your lungs and even your tummy is in alignment. If this is better accomplished by you by lying down, or reclining you might want to try that. You may close your eyes for this, discover what works best for you, or you may want to focus your sight on some specific picture, place or symbol. I do close my eyes. Next you will breathe in your nose, slowly to the count of six.

Hold the breath in to the count of three, and then blow your breathe out through your mouth slowly to the count of nine.

Repeat this鈥?Breathe in your nose, slowly to the count of six. Hold the breath in to the count of three, and then blow your breath out through your mouth slowly to the count of nine. When you breathe in think of how you are breathing in the healing, life-giving element of air.

Actually by just breathing in more correctly we could improve our health! While you are holding the breath in see the good air being absorbed and used in the most beneficial manner to your body, when you exhale the breath see the negativity and stress that your body holds onto flowing out with that breath. Do this several times until you are feeling relaxed, stress free, or at least less stressful. Let the breathing in, holding it, and breathing out start to become more natural feeling so you do not have to count, once you have reached this point where you do not have to count, you are ready to start the body relaxation techniques for meditation.

Relaxing the body so you can relax the Mind

Once you discover a breathing technique that feels right and works for you then you can move on to the next step, relaxing the body so you can relax the mind. How do you relax your body? A little bit at a time is how you relax your body.

I like to start at my toes, so that is where I will start here.

Wiggle your toes, bend them, tighten them close to each other and then relax them, relax each and every toe. You can do this just by thinking about relaxing the muscles in your toes and feet.

Remember the mind is a valuable as well as powerful tool. Next focus on the ball of your feet and simply tell your foot to relax the muscles in that area. Move to the arches of your feet, your mind controls all of your body, so by you directing your mind and telling each part to relax, it does! And over time you will be able to relax faster and more thoroughly. From the arches of your feet move to the heel and from the heel then focus the tops of the feet and on the ankles.

Just by learning to relax the body you can learn to let go of some of the physical stress which often time eases the mental stress as well.

I also totally agree with the other suggestions of a massage, chamomile tea and sex! Well, sex works the muscles and so honestly exercise is also a great stress reliever, but honey sex is even better IF you have an orgasm if not, exercise will do the same!

Long hot bath works well with scented candles and soft music鈥?well that can lead right back into sex?

As a trained spiritual counselor a spiritual cleansing also tends to help relieve stress, this is done with someone trained or a close and trusted friend just by unloading a lot of stressful junk you have been holding on to for a long time and may not even know you are doing so!

But to be honest, the meditation and breathing and relaxing techniques worked the best for me when I was a college student. (My BF was not around wink wink)

Hope this helps! But as a Witch, I would recommend this to my Pagan and Non Pagan friends alike:)

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