Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to cope with the stress of driving?

It may sound daft, but I am finding it increasingly difficult to cope with my daily commute to work, purely down to the state of the driving I encounter where I have to drive (Hull). Some days it seems like nobody in Hull should have ever passed their test, and the amount of mickey-taking, being cut up, tail gated and generally harrassed is just unbelievable. I'm not purporting to be the world's best driver but I'm sure I take more care and consideration than the rest of them in this city combined. It's just really starting to stress me out and I know I shouldn't react, but I just can't help it. Does anyone know any good coping strategies because I really just feel like I don't want to drive to work anymore, but unfortunatley public transport isn't really an option to get to my destination. I just need to know how to stop these lunatics bothering me!

How to cope with the stress of driving?paramount theater

Unfortunately there are always going to be 'idiots' on the road. I encounter them all the time. However, I think you just need to accept this and expect it. Don't expect everyone on the road to be as good as driving as you - or as courteous.

Just chill out, turn up the radio or CD player and relax...... (but not too much ;-) LOL.

How to cope with the stress of driving?theatre opera theater

You can't relieve the stress and continue driving just remember to ignore them and when given the bird wave back
I have some trouble with stress while driving myself, so I know exactly how you feel. My suggestion is that if your feeling too overwhelmed while driving, pull over for a moment and breath. Of course this means that you'll have to leave a few minutes earlier for work, but that's what I have to do sometimes.
Coping with driving stress is a very individual thing. I find that certain types of music work for me, as well as expecting the other drivers to do dangerous maneuvers and planning for it. At one point, I changed the route I take, and changed the hour I left the house to avoid heavy traffic.
deal with it, or turn in the keys. there is no other way. hmmmm, can we say.......prozac?
I sympathize! I live in the Miami area, and the roads here are a mess. My solution was, when the opportunity to move presented itself, I moved closer to the office. My commute is now 2.5 miles each way, on local roads- no I-95, Yee Haw!

I realise this is not the solution for everyone, especially people with kids in school and spouses that work, but for me it has made my life much more tolerable, and the time I save gets spent at the gym, and with gas so pricey, it's even better!
There are many good answers already. I am 47, and LOVE TO DRIVE! But I have noticed more stress, possibly due to age. PLEASE be the best driver YOU can be! I mean really, become an expert. Read books, make scenarios, analyze options, determine logical patterns.... If everyone did this, that would only leave a couple rude boys and some little old lady's to ruin traffic. As is 50% of us are "marginally skilled" drivers. Remember, you aren't the only car on the road, think of the car BEHIND YOU too, think of the car behind him. this will also save everyone fuel, and reduce global pollution.

What really helps to not be late or in a rush, that's when my stress is worse.
WWear mirroed sun glasses (so you won't be intimidated by others eye contact), get rid of extra distractions inside you car (hanging off mirrors, toys that jiggle,etc.) , keep windows up, don't let idiots intimdat u into driving incorreclty,

and put on a show/station that you like/find fun!
It is very likely that your stress is caused your being in a hurry to get to work. I solved this problem by simply getting up 15 or 20 minutes sooner and taking my time driving.

On the way HOME from work, you have no reason to hurry, so just change your attitude and relax.

I see people rushing around even on weekends, because it's become such a habit. A friend of mine drives like a maniac, even when he has PLENTY of time. When I ask "what's the hurry"? he says he doesn't realize he's rushing.
think its time to start hiring a chaufer.....or just quit ur job

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