Thursday, December 10, 2009

Coping with Loss & Stress?

I am going through an amazingly difficult time, probably the worst period of my life. I want no contact with anyone at the moment, as it causes even more distress. How can I tell people this without hurting their feelings? I'm already hurting them by refusing contact, I just want people to know it is nothing to do with them.

The stress is caused by me having to lose my lovely home, and having to go and live with strangers. I have two cats that cannot come with me, and this is tearing me apart.

Any tips on how to cope with the stress of it all. No alcohol or controlled substances allowed.

Many thanks

Coping with Loss %26amp; Stress?opera songs

If you need some time to yourself, it's fine to tell people that it's not anything to do with them, you just have a lot of stress going on and need some time to regroup. Just take care that you don't start isolating. Being with others is essential to keep depression at bay and help ease your stress.

Do you have a friend that can take your kitties until you can get a place that will allow them? If you can do that, you'll know that they are with someone who will care for them and you can see them when you want to. If they have to go to a shelter, find a no kill shelter with a stringent adoption background check. Even if you can't care for them, that will give you the peace of mind of knowing that they went to people who will give them the best.

Homes are hard to leave. They become a part of us. But I had a revelation that hit me as I had to leave my last place. Home is where I am. Whether I'm in a house, trailer, apartment or cardboard box, it's my home. It gives me shelter and something to come home to. Right now I'm not in the best place ever, but I could be in worse places.

For me, dealing with stress (and I've been hit with one thing after another--loss of a child, mother's terminal illness, theft in my mother's house, sister's betrayal, brother's betrayal, mother's death, loss of my dog, court, finding out that brother's betrayal was part of a game, fear that my mother's house will be stolen, theft of my mother's most valuable objects, etc) has been easy because I deal with one thing at a time, deal with only what I can handle, work with family on what we can do and leave what no one can handle to a Higher Power. It's okay to tell your mind "One at a time." It's okay to have fun when it seems like everything is falling apart. And it's okay to admit that you can't control everything. Some things have to be left in the hands of either a Higher Power, karma, or whatever you believe in.

Coping with Loss %26amp; Stress?secure browser opera theater

Firstly just tell your family and friends that you need to be on your own for a bit to get your head straight. If they care they will understand and let you be. As regards losing your home Im sorry to hear about that. You just need to think that its not the end of the world and in time you will get over it. Be strong, calm and if you are on your own dont worry about things as it really doesnt help. Can you pass your cats to someone meanwhile to take care of them. Good luck to you.
You can call a hotline number .. they have people that are helpful and understanding to your problems and stress
as said just tell family %26amp; friends that you need time alone. It really does help to find that little bit of calm, and heal yourself.

good luck and don't be afraid to ask for help when you are ready
I don't know anything easy that will help. I think from what you are describing there is a mourning time necessary for all you have lost, and you just need to take care of yourself so when its over you can start the rebuilding process.

Its tempting to cut off contact with people, you may want to reconsider that and just leave the toxic people behind, but keep the ones who are genuinely concerned. Mourning has an end and if you let everyone drift away, their lives continue and you will find when you are ready for friendship again, they are not.

In the meantime, be good to yourself, eat and sleep and bathe properly, wait it out. It will pass, and one day the sun gets a little brighter, and you find yourself thinking in terms of the future.

This is coming from a lady who once had such a bad time, that we called it the crisis of the week, and laughed because otherwise we would have never stopped crying.

It ends.
Commiserations. I'd say:

- just remember the positive stuff. I remember seeing a woman with her face eaten off with leprosy living in a gutter in India, and no matter how bad things have got for me I remind myself that my hell would be a heaven for her.

- don't define yourself by your situation. Your friends certainly don't.

- have a period away from your friends by all means, but friends do help and friends want to help.

- exercise. It might sound odd but genuinely and seriously it's the best antidote to stress and depression. The chemicals released by your body during and after exercise are the best anti-depressants around for most people.

- No matter how bad it gets, it gets better. As Churchill said, 'when you're going through hell, keep going'.
Just talk to them and tell them that you are having a rough time and need some time to think and just chill...Surely they will understand and that way they know why you do not contact them right now and is not hurtful. As far as stress just do what makes you feel calm..Maybe that is cooking,cleaning,reading,exercising,list... to music....anything....Just take some time and do the things or hobbies that you enjoy.
I have been in a similar situation. People who are close to you will have a hard time with it, but ultimately if they really care about you then they will give you the space you need. Just talk to them and ask them to back off for a while.

For the stress, start exercising vigorously or throw yourself madly into your work or school. Or read or find a new hobby. Try to let go of the past and your home, this is hard to do. But you must learn to welcome this chapter of your life and to see it as a new beginning instead of the end of the world.

This may sound heartless, but worrying about your cats isn't helping you. You need to concentrate on yourself. On getting back to a place where you are happy again. And focusing on them will only make things worse. Try to find a place for them to stay. And if you can't then let it be. You did what you could. This world just doesn't always have enough room for all the cats and dogs. You need to get yourself to a stable place again emotionally and all the stress can make it hard. Fight back. Struggle for your wellbeing and happiness. If it means making more sacrifices, then do it.

Good luck. I hope you find peace and get through this.
My heart goes out to you. Am so sorry.

Can you not write a letter and maybe photocopy it and post out to all your contacts explaining that you are low and simply do not want contact at the mo? That way you will feel better that you have not offended them and they will then understand why you don't want their contact.

To be honest the best thing for you could be to have a chat with a trusted friend that knows you and can empathise with what you are going through.

Have you asked if your cats could come with you??? Could any of your family or friends have your cats for the time being until you get back on your feet again?

We all go through bad times.

Admire you for not turning to drink or drugs as that's not the answer.

Counselling may help?

Is there no alternative accommodation you can go to that would allow cats?
just take the time to be alone. it sometimes is really good for you. then when u want, u know im always here to talk to you. ))))))))))))))hugs ((((((((((((((((((((((((
You poor thing, it sounds like its really tough for you right now.

Maybe what you need right now is the support of those you are shutting out?

However, I know I find it easier to talk to outsiders/strangers in difficult times so maybe its best if you use places like this for the short term to vent your feelings and emotions and get support.

Is there anybody who can look after the cats for you whilst you sort yourself out?

Stay strong and focused, you will get thro' it.

Good luck........................x.
The people that care about you and love you just want to be

there for you,they wouldnt want to cause you any more distress than you have and would be upset if they did!

Im sure they will give you the understanding and the space that you need in order to be able to cope with your loss and stress,but will always be standing by incase you need a shoulder to cry on or a cuddle!

No matter how long it takes the people who love you will still be waiting for you,xx

They will be thinking of you lots !

spend time with your girls just enjoying their company,again part of the closure process,be strong to let go,it will be heartbreaking but you know they will be loved as you love them,allow yourself to grieve for your girls and your house,things will get better,and life will go on!

Has I have said there is a brighter rainbow and you will be walking with a smile on your face and a spring in your step,

with that special someone by your side holding your hand smiling up at you!!!

Your life will get better,look to the future , do not dwell on the past!!

Have a nice long soak in the bath,with scented candles and relaxing soothing music, to chill!!

A destress cd also may help!

Talking can also help as part of the healing process, you know where Iam if you need me!


You may not feel like having fun, but doing nice things and having fun will help to make you feel better and cope a little better, you will feel stronger as each day goes by!!

Lots of cuddlesxx

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