I need ways to relieve emotional stress because all I do is cry of try to forget it ever happened because I'm really stressed out most of it is out of emotion and things from my past like
1.not knowing my biological father
2. barley starting to have a relationship with my real mom
3.being seprated and left out from my 4 brothers and sisters
4.having cerebral palsy but I got lucky and was able to be like a normal person
5.recently mom was married so I had a step dad who was a child molester and abused me and my sister constantly
6.had to get used to 7 new step brothers and sisters
7.step dad and mom got divorced
8.found out depression family thing like how my mom was raped from ages 9 to 16 by my grandpa,my step brother was raped and step sister
9.was sexualally violated by some creep at school
10.mom in car accident..lost her led and was pregnant at the time of the accident
11.baby brother who was in the accident paralyzed with cerebral palsy and can't talk
Ways to relieve emotional stress?city opera
Wow, I am so sorry you have had to go through all that crap. That is way way more than anyone should have to deal with. You are a strong person. You should try to talk to a therapist to talk through some of those traumatic events -- help you come to terms with them. I am not sure what else to tell you. Maybe try to do stuff you enjoy to get your mind off of it all, at least for small bits of time. Try to focus on the current, and not the past.
Ways to relieve emotional stress?performing shows opera theater
that must suck so so so much
i feel sorry for you =[
the future will be better =]
Baby girl....i feel your pain...but you can not do this alone....you CAN NOT JUST GET OVER THIS.....GO TO A MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC...ABUSED KIDS ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE TREATMENT ANYWAYS DUE TO THESE VERY PROBLEMS...sorry, just hate to see young ppl with these problems...talk to school counselor or any trusted adults to get you some help...gonna add you so we can hear back from you in...about a week? Make sure you are getting help. God Bless and sending much love your way
My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry you have had to live thru any of that. But you know what%26gt;%26gt; it sounds to me like you are one strong lady. You are crying now, but you are very strong. Crying is cleansing. Its what we gotta do sometimes to help the healing come.
I'm really glad you came here to talk, because talking things out can also be cleansing.
Another way to get over a lot of pain in your life is to help others thru their pain and it also helps you concentrate less on your own. But please don't put yourself in harm by attempting to help men because that could lead to more harm. Not always, but men who need help can be destructive to other people without meaning to be.
There are a lot of women out there who need a friend like you. A friend who understands that kind of pain.
And the other thing I suggest you do is learn more about Jesus. He will help you thru this time if you allow him to. He will make you stronger, will give you a life you could never imagine, and can build your faith where your faith needs built.
See stress treatments, at ezy build, below on page 42. Practise daily, one of the relaxation techniques on pages 2, 11, 2c, or 2i; whichever works best for you, but the mindfulness breathing for 15 - 20 mns is ideal, although the progressive muscle relaxation can be learned quickly, and takes only several minutes, if pressed for time. Employ the EFT version for use in public, for which you can reasonably claim that you have a headache, as you massage/tap your temples, but it may be advisable to restrict yourself to subvocalising (saying it to yourself, in your mind, not aloud). Section 53, and pages 2, 2.q and 2.o refer. "Even though I sometimes suffer from stress, I deeply and completely accept myself". You can also multitask, using the gazing technique, as you walk/jog or exercise, by focusing on a distant object, noting any thoughts which flash across your mind, without pursuing any particular train of thought, just gently redirect your focus to the gazing. Yoga, or Tai Chi may suit others, better. For some people, visualisation of a quiet, relaxing scene, like a tropical beach, (feel the sun warming you, as a gentle breeze caresses your skin lightly, inhaling the tangy, salt laden spray from the sparkling, translucent, aqua waves, crashing on the white, sandy beach, as the seagulls swoop and cavort playfully overhead in a cloudless, azure sky; you feel just like one of them; free to soar and cartwheel, or just glide, in the moist, heavy air, and that this moment will last forever.....) works well for them. Take 4 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, daily, replacing 2 of them with cod liver oil supplements, or a teaspoonful of the oil (I spread mine on toast, and mask its strong taste with fishpaste, and pepper), in the winter months only. Those people who receive adequate exposure to sunlight, daily, won't need the vitamin D from cod liver oil, but many people, particularly those in latitudes far from the equator, find this difficult, to achieve. Eat healthily, in accordance with your "nutritional type" as determined at http://www.mercola.com/ SEARCHBAR. ~~~ http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris Section 20 is about sexual abuse of mimors. Try having a cup of "Tension Tamer", herbal tea (from supermarket tea aisles) from Celestial Seasonings, or make some at home, and cool, then bottle, and drink as needed (I find it so strong tasting, that I need to drink it quickly, followed by something like fruit juice, to take away the taste, but others may find it more tolerable). C(h)amomile tea is a more palatable option. As with all herbal/green teas, use lemon/lime, and/or a little sweetener (NOT ARTIFICIAL!!!) but no cream, or milk. Xylitol is preferable, (health food stores) or fruit sugar (fructose, such as "Fruisana", from supermarket sugar aisles) or even a little honey, because these will reduce "sugar spikes", which later deplete you of energy. Minimise/eliminate consumption of highly processed foods, particularly grain products, such as white bread, donuts, cake, cookies/biscuits, or anything with sugar. Opt for more wholefoods, non-starchy vegetables, and fruit. ~~~ RAPE: Go to: http://vaonlinesupport.org/support.html and http://www.rape-victim-support.com/ and http://www.rainn.org/ Call (USA)1 800 656 HOPE and/or People Against Rape (USA) on 1 800 877 7252. ~~~
Wow,you have been through a lot. I am very sorry that you had to go through all this.I knew a girl who went through rape and her mom got pregnat by the girl's grandfather.It's very sad to hear that people go through these type of things nowadays. The world has turned into a really "sick" place.You are very strong to survive all of this but you need to get to a psychiatrist and confess your feelings to him or her.Speak to someone you can trust and they will help you get through it. It's not good to keep so much pain hidden in you forever.Get help. Please for your sake
One among the best ways to relieve stress is Meditation. Please try this. I have posted some articles on this in my blog http://transcendental-meditation-forheal...
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