Saturday, December 5, 2009

I handled stress bad and lost him, should I at least apologize?

My ex broke up with me a month ago and had every right to, I was causing arguing over dumb stuff and he was tired of defending himself. There is no excuse for my behavior and I continued it a week or 2 after the break up then he cut contact. I'm an awful person should I apologize or let it just go? The last 2 weeks were where we argued a lot, (lot of stress from work school and me thinking i was pregnant which he didnt know about) I realize I need to change but should I apologize to him or is it pointless?

I handled stress bad and lost him, should I at least apologize?violin

A lot of people handle stressful situations that way. It is not proper and one can learn more positive ways to respond to such situations. I would say yes. It is wonderfully surprising what an apology can do to save a relationship. If you still want him back, begin with that and take concrete steps to manage your stress even if it means seeing a counselor to learn new habits to replace the old. At the least, he will respect you for recognizing you acted wrongly and you have the potential to grow and change.

I handled stress bad and lost him, should I at least apologize?chinese theater opera theater

yeah, apologize. it never hurts
Yeah, because if you apologize, at least you'll still be friends. :D
write him a letter apologizing and then let it go
I would, it's "leaving that door open" rather than bolting is shut, anything is possible.
Apologize it can't hurt.
If you ever loved him then you will do the right thing and let him go.
Me and my ex broke up a month ago for the same reason. She was arguing with me over something I had no control over (her car needing a wrecker to unlock her car) So she was telling me all these bad things and I broke up with her. I would take her back in a heartbeat if she would come to me and apologize. But, she isn't smart enough too. You should apologize it's the right and smart thing to do.
Im in the same situation with my gf and I dont know what to do also. We dated for 2 years and she moved in with her prissy sister and she changed totally!!! It sucks big time and now she acts like she forgot about me totally I try n hang out with her but she says she is just to hurt ! I feel your pain.
right you at least apologize even through text
offering an apology is never a bad idea, giving some insight as to why you acted as you did is a plus.
sounds like me but its been 4 monthes of aruging and were still together...i would apologize and let of of ue felling out so he knows exactly where u were coming frm
write him a letter and explain...tell him about thinking you were pregnant...offer it as an explanation not an excuse though apologise and leave the ball in his court..if he wants to call you let him
It's pointless babe. Sorry, but it seems he broke up with you 'cause he lost respect for you. That's something that takes a long time to get back and in this case it might not be worth it. If you really want to apologize then change first, get someone to talk to about why you acted in such a way. He'll respect you then, if you do it right now, right away, then you'll just look pathetic. Good luck!
If you had not continued the fights after he broke up with you..I would say apologize. If you want to, send him a card with a Best Buy gift card with "I'm sorry I was a B%26amp;*(ch" or whatever attached. Then let it drop.
say you're sorry to start, but you would also prolly want to stress what you just said, the realization that you were wrong, and the fact that you understand how it hurt him, and that you never want it to happen again... :)

p.s. in reality it might though but say you're sorry first... !
If you believe apologizing will make you AND him feel better, then do it. However, don't turn an apology into a dramatic event. Simply say, "hey, I've been thinking about what was said and done and realize now that I could have handled things differently, and I'm sorry that I didn't. Have a great life."

Good luck.
if i were in your predicament i would apologize even if it didn't make things right with you and him (as a guy i know i like to hear me girlfriend saying "I'm sorry" hope that helps good luck!
def apologize... and be very humble about it... also explain why u acted the way u acted... dont hide it from him

hope it works out :)
Yes, you should apologize, it doesn't hurt to apologize, it can only make the both of you feel better. But don't expect miracles, he may not want you back whether you apologize or not.
I'd say, move on. He's not all that mature. And, neither are you.
I'd apologize and explain why you were being so argumentative. It'll let him know where you were coming from, and help reduce your anxiety. If he doesn't respond, so be it, but at least you'll have been honest about the way you acted.
If your relationship was that bad than just let it go. Apologizing may not make a difference after all that stress and animosity. Just let him go in peace and work on finding peace in your own life.
some things arent fixable, but its best to write him a letter. if you try to talk to him youll probably forget a lot of what you want to say, but youll be calm if you write a letter you wont forget anything. the hard part is getting up the nerve to actually give it to him. i know the feeling, it sucks, dont it.
It's good to care about his feelings, but you should never apologize for being who you are or feeling the way you feel.
Apologize so that you both can heal. Even if you don't maintain a relationship or friendship, both you and he will have closure. I wish you all the best and don't beat yourself up about this. We all make mistakes. You are not a horrible person. You were just a person in a crisis and you will learn to handle it better the next time.
You know sometimes when you really love someone you hurt them on accident due to stress or low-self esteem. If you want him back baby you have to pour your heart out and shed some tears.
You can appologize to him and express your fears of being pregnent. You definetly need to get a handle on your emotional ups and downs. Check your diet - no sugar, exercise daily(Hardcore working out) tybo, martial arts, sports), and express your emotions in a diary, to a person(one you can trust) or even to a pet or stuffed animal(give it a voice-its fun and stress relieving) sing, listen to music, sometimes screaming and hitting a pillow helps a lot too :). just try not to scream or hit other people. painting is a good outlet for stress as well. and a good massage :). Yoga is a great lifelong stress management program(watch out for flakes though in this field.) any who ... talk with him if you can do it without arguing and your not a terrible person ... just a little outta-wak, but you can fix yourself with a few small adjustments to your day to day life. Good luck with the ex ...I hope you feel better soon.

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